Partnerships are my specialty, creating, negotiating and executing contracts with various partners to achieve a specified value proposition and goal. I have worked with locally owned “Mom & Pop” businesses to globally known Fortune 500 companies. No matter the size or complexity of a deal, each unique experience has provided me with insight, know-how and negotiation skills that continue to support my work almost daily. I appreciate the art of collaboration and the ability to find common ground in new opportunities. And best of all, when a new marketing strategy results that provides both parties measurable success, we all have reason to celebrate a relationship.

Fairtrade America Partnership

I led the strategy to educate communities about the value of purchasing Fairtrade certified products for TCCP in a national campaign 'Choose Fairtrade. Choose the world you want.' When consumers see the Fairtrade America label on a product, it means farmers were fairly compensated and the ingredients were sourced in compliance with Fairtrade's rigorous gender equality, fair wage, climate change and child labor standards. Our efforts included partnership with Fairtrade America on a public facing mural on one of its storefronts, in-store displays, media coverage in several markets and printed materials for local distribution.

2018 Minnesota Super Bowl LII Host Committee

I created the first ever Business Connect sponsorship with the NFL. In each Super Bowl market, the NFL promotes Business Connect, a program to qualify and accredit any business owned by an ethnically diverse person, a woman, a military veteran and or a people in the LGBTQ community. For Be The Match, the intent of the partnership with the NFL was to build relationships in the local community for stronger brand awareness and new opportunities to partner together beyond the Super Bowl.

US Bank Social Media Command Center

Minneapolis Visitor Center

During my tenure at Meet Minneapolis, I led a team to create unique partnerships that supported promotion of the destination and generated revenue for the organization.


One of the most exciting and innovative initiatives for me was the opportunity to participate in a 2-year development project to open a visitors center as a resource for anything Minneapolis including a retail shop and a social media command center to host events and garner engagement on social media platforms.

I negotiated the partnership between Meet Minneapolis and US Bank for the US Bank Social Media Command Center that has hosted hundreds of events, meetings and social media campaigns to date. The inaugural year kicked off with a one-of a-kind podcast series, Minneapolis Insider Podcast, featuring leaders, business owners, event planners and city administration to highlight various topics every quarter.

The content produced for the first podcast was in the summer of 2016 focusing on the US Bank Stadium grand opening. Interviews were conducted with US Bank Stadium insiders. The images here reflect interview with US Bank Twin Cities market president, Phillip Trier about the involvement of US Bank with the naming rights of the stadium. Take a moment to listen here >>>

2017-2019 Learfield Partnership

I introduced and managed teams to develop assets on various college campuses in markets for growth across the country.

University of Alabama

University of Oklahoma

Texas Tech

University of North Carolina

University of Illinois

University of Minnesota

2017 Minnesota Twins

I partnered with the Community Relations team and Byron Buxton to produce a PSA and game night to educate fans and other MLB players about the urgency for young ethnically diverse donors.